SH Sean Harding/blog
An afternoon break
Wednesday, March 12th, 2003
fire smoke

The fire burns on. It’s just a couple of blocks south of our office. The picture above was taken from the parking garage next door. The smoke continued to get thicker for a good 30 or 40 minutes after my first photo was taken. It collected in the parking garage and any other enclosed area it could work its way into.


The power in our building went out for about an hour when City Light turned off a couple of transformers in the area. I was just about ready to give up and head home when it came back on. Just my luck.

Do you smell smoke?
Wednesday, March 12th, 2003

There’s a fire (apparently a big one) just down the street from here, at 426 S Massachusetts Street. For a while, one of the DOT cameras was offering a pretty good view. We can’t actually see the fire from our floor, but the smoke is sure creating a thick haze and a strong smell. At first I thought something in the building must be burning, but it was just that the air conditioning system was sucking the smoke into the building and pumping it right into my closed office. Nice.

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