SH Sean Harding/blog
Saturday, November 22nd, 2003

39 degrees may not be very cold in parts of the country which have real winters (a couple of which I’ve lived in), but it’s too cold for me. My hands were numb by the time I got home. However, apparently it’s not too cold to play in the Seattle Center fountain, as you can see in the photos above.

The camera works very well, though the photographer was malfunctioning a bit today. The lenses I ordered don’t actually come until Monday, so I was shooting with only a 50mm f/1.8. On the 10D, that’s equivalent to about an 80mm lens. That certainly wouldn’t have been my first choice of lens for most of the things I shot today, but it was an interesting challenge. It’s good to stretch yourself and shoot in ways you normally wouldn’t. Still, I’m looking forward to getting some wider lenses soon.

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