SH Sean Harding/blog
Mostly cloudy or partly sunny?
Monday, October 18th, 2010

I don’t really like the terms “the cloud” or “cloud computing.” They’re not very descriptive, and I hate cloudy weather. Give me sunshine and blue skies any day. Please. Regardless, most of my websites, including the blog are now living “in the cloud.” I flipped the switch to move my blog over about a week ago, and so far so good.

Everything here is running on Amazon Web Services. The web server is an EC2 instance running the Amazon Linux distribution (I’d have preferred FreeBSD, but it doesn’t seem to be a viable option right now). The data is stored in SimpleDB and S3. The images and videos are served by CloudFront. These days, it looks like AWS is a solid platform for personal web hosting, especially since they launched the incredibly cheap “Micro” instances. If you’re considering VPS hosting, I think it’s an option worth considering.

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