Yesterday was our two year wedding anniversary. It doesn’t seem like two years ago that we were walking down the aisle, but the calendar doesn’t lie. To celebrate, we went to Alderbrook Resort on the Hood Canal. It was our first time there, and it’s a really beautiful place.
I was making great progress on a script this afternoon. Then I tried to save it, and I got this message (ignore the meaningless filename — this screenshot is actually from the third time I tried saving it under different names):
I clicked “OK,” then I got this:
When I tried to re-open another copy of the file, I got this:
I perused the tech support docs and did find a (very kludgy) workaround, so I didn’t lose all of my work. But this isn’t the kind of thing that inspires confidence in Final Draft…
A wise man once told me that a personal website isn’t complete without pictures of the owner’s cat. I’m not one to argue. Harvey was posing so nicely in the sun this morning that I simply couldn’t resist.
This morning, I’ll spare you the words — most of them, at least — and tell the story with photos alone. These wouldn’t have been particularly remarkable when I lived in Wyoming or Tahoe, but I’m telling you: this is not normal for Seattle.
And no, I didn’t take these with my phone’s camera.